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Tree Insects Control

Tree Insects Control

There are many insects hard to control in Calgary like the Aphids, Scales or Mites in your Elms or Manitoba Maples, Bronze Birch Borer or Leaf Miner damaging your Birche, Spruce Gall Adelgid, Spruce Weevil, Spruce Sawfly, and Spider Mites damaging your Spruce, Ash Bark Beetle, Ash Cone Leaf Roller or Cottony Psyllid damaging your Ash tree, and Poplar Budgall Mite damaging your Poplar Your Tree Doctor can help your trees to get better by pruning the damaged branches off of your tree and doing treatments without spray to improve the resistance of your trees to insects and diseases.


Your Tree Doctor will treat your tree with systemic tree implants or micro-injection in the tree stem. The chemicals will be delivered by the tree’s own sap. You will not have a spray of toxic chemicals on your property who could be a risk for yourself or your pets.


We are Certified ISA Arborist and Certified Alberta pesticide applicator specialized in tree care. Don’t wait for your tree to be half dead to call Your Tree Doctor. Protect your trees now.

    For any questions regarding a professional tree service in Calgary or Okotoks area or to get a free quote, please fill in the form below.

    Reach us anytime!